Sustainable Construction Services

Sustainable Construction Services specialises in the supply and installation of high quality, durable, energy efficient and secure products. Our vision is to create healthier, more comfortable and more secure spaces to live and work, thereby increasing energy efficiency, which saves household costs and reduces the negative impact of energy consumption on the environment.
SCS has a key focus on highly sustainable, efficient and modern construction material, methods and technologies treating each project with individual care and consideration, taking all project specific parameters and objectives into account to achieve outstanding results.


Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) is the engineered wood of the future and is making the construction of entire buildings from timber a reality. CLT has grown immensely in popularity in recent times, in stark contrast to when originally developed in Switzerland in the 1970′s, CLT is an elaborate extension of the technology that began with the production of plywood.  Timber is one of the world’s top performing materials. Not only has it been used and tested for centuries but its proven durability, sturdiness and strength has seen it remain as one of the most widely used materials to this day.

Cross Laminated Timber – CLT, is one of the main products supplied by Sustainable Construction Services (SCS). Catered to each and every individual client, Sustainable Construction Services is able to supply the products, technical information, drawings and samples from the design stage through until delivery and even monitor the installation techniques and the quality of the workmanship, alignment and evenness. SCS is happy to leave the installation to your trusted builder or tradesman, still supporting with technical advice and instructions. However, we do strongly recommend the proper use of appropriate tools, sundry parts, fixings, insulating foams and sealants.



Both the quality of our services along with the quality of our products is based upon a network of suppliers with a positive can-do attitude and a constant focus on customer satisfaction and service. Continuous improvement and innovation are means by which SCS ensure the quality of the product, installation, customer service, maintenance and technical support are consistently high. Our product range is chosen in this way to ensure that products of equal quality can be supplied in consistent design, no matter which material, finish and colour you prefer. SCS is generally

For further questions to our product range, terms, pricing and similar, please Contact Us and we will provide you with details of available solutions.interested in supply and install or supply-only, with the option of monitoring the installation quality of your installer.